Figure 1. The Chomper3D Menu
The File menu has options to Play the game and Exit.
You can also select the way your graphics card will create the graphics (this is known as
the graphics driver). The fastest and recommended setting is 3D HAL, this option
will use any 3D Hardware Acceleration your video card might have), MMX is the second best
choice if it is available. The Load Level menu also allows you to
load your own levels that you create with the Maze Builder tool. You can only load your
own levels if you have a registered copy. See the Ordering
page for registration information.
These are additional settings that you may change to improve the visual quality of the
game. Your graphics card may not support some of these options so you might be
unable to select them. Enable Dithering is the most common feature, it
smoothes out the graphics.
The Modes menu lets you select the resolution and color depth in which you would like
to play the game. When selecting any of these modes the game will be in full screen
Here you may select the level of challenge you require in the game. The options
are Easy, Normal, and Hard.
You may select the speed of the game play in this menu. Options are Slow,
Normal, Fast, and Insane. This is another way to change
the difficulty of the game. The speed will change all aspects of the game, including
Chomper, Ghost, and Fruit speeds.
The default view for Chomper3D is 3rd person (far away view).
The view can be changed to 1st person and you see Chomper as if you are
in the maze. This is much more difficult but is a fun way to play.
There are three options in this menu that you can enable or disable. On levels
with multiple mazes the ghosts can jump mazes just like Chomper can. If the Shrink
Ghosts option is enabled then the ghosts will appear smaller when they are not in
the same maze as Chomper is. When Chomper is on an upper maze this makes it easier
to tell what maze the ghost are in. The Enable Joypad option needs
no explanation. Extended Control Keys enable the ability to use the
NumPad, these keys may be easier for you to use if you have a hard time reaching the HOME
and END keys to move up and down mazes. Here is the key mapping for the NumPad: 8 =
Up, 5 and 2 = Down, 4 = Left, 6 = Right, 7 = Down one maze, 9 = Up one maze. The Change
Volume option brings up the windows volume control which controls the sound
levels for the music and sound effects. Enable Complex Objects
means that Chomper3D mazes and dots look more real, but slow performance on some slower
machines, if you have a 3D accelerator or Pentium II 300 or greater, then we recommend
enabling complex objects.
The Help menu has a link to an online version of this file as well as a register screen
and an about screen. The Quick Key Chart option will bring up a window with the most
common controls for Chomper3D.
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